Our birthday girl : Cu!
With the lovely sisters.. :))
Cu and her flower girls.. Hehehe.. Cute Cu!
Happy Birthday Cu! :))
Date: 16.12.2012
Venue: Holiday Inn, Glenmarie
Event: Cu's12.12.12 Birthday! :)
Yes, last Saturday, we got the chance to celebrate our dearest Cu's birthday.. She is nenek's daughter.. Nenek who took care of Mr Hubby, Ita and Zikry when they were still small, and how great that they treated hubby and his siblings like their own family.. Yes, full of love, i must say! :))
What a strong bond.. Cu's siblings were up for it, to support the whole event.. And when it was time to take pictures, they were like queueing.. Hehehe.. Comel sangat2.. And nenek lah the center of attention, for sure.. Sorry Cu! Kekeke.. :P
Thank you Cu for the invitation, and for having us to be part of your biggest celebration, in celebrating your birthday for this year, that fell on 12.12.12.. It is definitely once in a lifetime event, and she chose to celebrate it with her loved ones.. Alhamdulillah..
We ate a lot, but our definition of a lot is very much questionable, as with both kiddos yang nak explore sana sini, makan pun macam tak makan.. Hahaha.. It was a buffet style setting, with varieties of food that you could choose, from grilled lamb, chicken, to local food, back to salad and soup, to ABC and ice cream.. Wahhhh! Heaven! :))
Mine!! Yes, blame my LOCAL taste buds!! Hahaha.. Local yek?? :P
He refused to eat that night, nasib baik dah suap makan di rumah.. *Sigh..
Even their plain water taste better than the one at home yer adik?? We laughed at her yang tak henti2 nak air.. My goodness.. :)) Nih masa tengah main2 ngan Asu.. :))
Daddy, "enjoying" his dinner.. :) kekeke..
Achi Ita.. Sweet tak?? :)
Adik Zikry.. :)
All out Asu!!.. Wahhhhh!!! :)) Bestnyer!! Betulkan kolar jap.. Kekeke.. :P
Peace!!! :)) Hessa in her dress that Achik Ita bought for raya.. :) Thank you Achik!
Love this pic! :) She is definitely one huggable baby girl.. :))
Birthday cake and pulut kuning.. :)
We sang for her, "Allah selamatkan kamu" :)) Cu requested not to sing for her, but everybody refused to do so.. :)) All smiling Cu.. :)
Come on baby girl, say cheese!! :))
Come on baby boy, say 'Mmmmmm'???? Tihihi.. :p
Congrats to both of you, on your new bundle of joy.. :)) Haikal, Harith looked just like you! :)) Anak ayah ni.. :))
Peace from the four of us!! PEACE!!
Nenek LOVE!
Cute door gift, for the girls.. Hessa loves it, Cu! Thanks!! :))