Friday, November 27, 2009

Baby Colic!

Mummy and daddy's activity at night..

Entertain the little one.. :) Kiss

Did you notice how big Aidan's tummy is in the picture? This is Aidan if he fails to go 'toilet' more than 2 days, sometimes 1 day also like this maaaa.. But Aidan rarely cries because of this.. Windy? Gassy? Yup, he is up until now.. Dr Cheng did gave him Colic Drop to ease him and to help with the gassy tummy.. I do believe that my baby has got something to do with this colic thingy, because of the symptoms being shown, but not the crying part.. Because Aidan's crying pattern is just as normal..

So, if Aidan suddenly wakes up, crying, mummy will first look at his diaper and his tummy.. If it is soft, then it's okay.. If vice versa, mummy will put some colic drop in his milk to soothe him.. It helps! And lately Aidan needs me to help him raise both of his legs, and he will go 'toilet' right infront of me.. Mummy for sure would cheer for him.. Go baby! Kikiki..

But mummy pity Adam, Aidan's uncle.. Mummy really believe that he has colic.. He cries a lot and pity his mother because mummy can see that she is helpless.. So tomorrow mummy decided to bring him Aidan's colic drop and maybe it will help Adam to feel better.. :)

So, this entry is inspired by Mr Adam, just bits on Colic and how to handle it.. At least, ways to try to calm the babies.. :) Happy Reading!

Baby Colic

Baby colic
(also known as infant colic, three-month colic, infantile colic and colic) is a condition in which an otherwise healthy baby cries or screams frequently and for extended periods without any discernible reason.

There is no commonly accepted explanation for colic. While no longer universally accepted, traditionally colic was ascribed to abdominal pain resulting from trapped gas in the digestive tract. This theory is not yet discredited, and some recent scientific evidence provides support. There is evidence that the causes are related to variations in the
gut flu.

Each baby will show different symptoms of having colic. Some may show a number of symptoms while some will only show one. Below are some of the most common symptoms associated with colic.
  • Loud and continuous crying that can last from one to three hours at a time, with these crying episodes occurring about three or four days a week

  • Although the crying can happen at any time, most colicky babies cry more in the late afternoon or evening

  • Baby’s face gets red

  • Legs are pulled up to the stomach and then may be fully stretched

  • Feet may be cold

  • Hands may be clenched

  • Some babies refuse to eat or become fussy soon after eating

  • Difficulty falling and staying asleep

  • Baby may lift their head or legs and pass gas

  • Baby may seem generally uncomfortable and appear to be in pain

Since it is not exactly known what causes colic, there is no one quick fix that works for every baby. The most important first step is to check with your baby’s pediatrician to make sure there is no medical cause for your baby’s crying. Once your baby is given a clean bill of health then all you can do is try your best to keep your baby calm and comfortable through an episode of crying. Below are a few methods that may help make your baby feel more comfortable. While a few of these methods may work with some babies, they may not work at all for others.
  • Keep a diary of when your baby cries, along with activities like napping, feeding and playing. Look for patterns, which may offer a small clue to the solutions

  • If you’re breast-feeding, try to eliminate dairy from your diet along with other foods such as onions, cabbage, cauliflower, spicy foods, caffeine, beans or other gas producing foods. Before eliminating diary from your diet be sure to check with your doctor first. Your doctor may or may not want you to eliminate dairy from your diet or he/she may want you to take calcium supplements

  • If you’re bottle-feeding, do your best to reduce the amount of air that your baby swallows. Try using a curved bottle or a bottle with collapsible disposable liners

  • If your baby seems to have a lot of gas, make sure you burp him or her frequently

  • Don’t overfeed your baby. This may actually make the colic worse. Stick to your normal feeding routine

  • If you’re bottle-feeding talk with your doctor about changing formulas to a low-allergy type of formula

  • Take your baby to a part of your home that will provide less stimulation. Bright lights, noise, or a large number of people may further aggravate the colic

  • Wrap your baby up snugly in a blanket while walking around in a smooth steady motion

  • Go for a walk in a stroller or for a drive in a car seat

  • Give your baby a warm bath or place a warm water bottle on your baby’s stomach. Be sure the bottle is not hot!

  • Try rocking in a rocking chair; or swinging in a baby swing

  • Give your baby a gentle tummy massage

  • Some baby’s like hearing rhythmic sounds such as a vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, or cloths dryer and will calm down when they hear these types of sounds

There are a lot of parents you probably know that have been through the experience of having a baby with colic. Talk with other parents and friends and get their suggestions on what methods they used to calm their baby. There are a lot of different things that people have tried that are not listed above. Keep in mind that not every baby will react to these methods the same. Sometimes it may help, while other times it may seem to make the baby more uncomfortable. Try one at a time and hopefully you will find one that comforts your baby while also giving your ears a rest from the crying..

* The ones with colours check points are the ones Aidan has now.. Nothing serious though.. Kikiki.. :)

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