Monday, July 12, 2010

Picture taken from the internet.. Courtesy to

You are 10! Happy 10 Months Old Aidan!

Aidan's milestone :

1. Aidan dah mula start merangkak! Yessss! Like 5 tapak max.. but tunggu kay, nanti jadi 20, 40, 80 tapak.. Baru tau.. Hehehe..

2. A very strong boy, sebab he is so lasak kay?? Dah panjat sana sini.. Suka sangat panjat kerusi and tangga! Memang tak boleh leka dengan si kicik ni..

3. Kenal orang dah 100% especially mummy and daddy.. Sometimes, dia tak nak if someone yang dia tak familiar with nak lift him up.. But, few minutes after that, selalunyer dia dah okay.. Depends.. :)

4. Able to hold on things like so rapat now.. If pegang apa2 pun, dah jarang jatuh.. :)

5. Dah pandai interact with people through voices, like nak call mummy or daddy, he will make noises and pandang2 kita, and bila kita pandangd balik, he will jump, tanda suka.. Nak kita angkat dia.. And new one, say bye, maaaaa.. :) But i take 'bye' as his first word, sebab 'maaaaaa' dia selalu kata, sometimes without looking at me.. So, mungkin bunyi keluar 'maaaaa' jerr.. But 'bye' is actually a word yang dia akan bunyikan bila kita say ' bubye!'.. :))

6. Susu intake dah 8-9 ounces.. Yup, alot.. And selalu okay.. My baby dah membesar bagai johan.. And heavy some more.. :))

7. Makan - EVERYTHING!! Hehehe.. Since his stool pun okay jer, mummy dah berani kasi Aidan makan different things sket2.. No more cereal, or porridge jer.. Just jangan terlebih jer, so that he can hadam his food well.. :)

8. Yup, kaki jalan, up until now, asyik ikut the aunties keluar.. :)) Tesco is his fav! - kekeke, macam dia tau jer kan! :P Hihihi.. :)

9. Alert to everything.. Bunyik apa pun, dia nak tau aper.. Walaupun masa tuh, mata dah nak pejam, nak tido.. Tiba2 jer ada bunyik, he would quickly buka mata, and carik where the sound came from.. Huh!

10. Ooooohhh, he has 1 cute tooth now.. and counting..

Good progress baby!! I am so proud of you!!

Kisses on your forehead, both cheeks, your chin, nose, and lips!! Muuuahhh! :))
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