Friday, March 9, 2012

Sometimes, when he is too focus, he would just do his stuff sambil berdiri.. Hehehe.. Gotta start his 65 days program tomorrow.. Hope for the best! :) InsyaAllah..

65 days Dots Program Outline! Go go go!

I have learned on how to apply this program at home from his sensei, and would definitely cherish my 65 days for him.. I need to prioritize my schedule and leave him a slot for sure.. Hope for the best as we can't skip a day! Aidan is a morning person, so no worries! :P

Yes, we may expose them with addition, subtraction and all, and some may think that they are too small for all these.. I did too, but the focus here is not to let them know teh answer now or expert in it.. NO! The objective is to activate their right and left brain and expose them with the numbers and dots.. We did this in class, and the way the sensei play with the dots card was just awesome.. The kids really focus on the dots! I was overwhelming to see that Aidan can differentiate BIG and SMALL, LESS and MORE, and UP and DOWN through all his term works.. Still, i need to use my tactics to ask him all these, he won't focus so much if he is playing or not in his study mode! Aiyakkk, did i mention to you that he is a kinesthetic learner?? Huhuhu.. :P

First Cycle

Day 1: Show red dot cards 1 to 10.

Day 2: Show red dot cards 6 to 15.

Day 3: Show red dot cards 11 to 20.

Day 4: Show red dot cards 16 to 25.

Day 5: Show red dot cards 21 to 30.

Day 6: Show red dot cards 26 to 35.

Day 7: Show red dot cards 31 to 40.

Day 8: Show red dot cards 36 to 45.

Day 9: Show red dot cards 41 to 50.


Tell your child: “From today, we begin addition.”

Day 10: 1+1, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4, 1+5, 1+6, 1+7, 1+8, 1+9.

  • Say “one plus one” and flash two dots.
  • Say “one plus two” and flash three dots.
  • Say “one plus three” and flash four dots.
  • Say “one plus four” and flash five dots.
  • Say “one plus five” and flash six dots.
  • Say “one plus six” and flash seven dots.
  • Say “one plus seven” and flash eight dots.
  • Say “one plus eight” and flash nine dots.
  • Say “one plus nine” and flash ten dots.

Day 11: 2+2, 2+3, 2+4, 2+5, 2+6, 2+7, 2+8, 2+9. Follow the manner in which plus one sums were introduced.

Day 12: 3+2, 3+3, 3+4, 3+5, 3+6, 3+7, 3+8. Follow the manner in which plus one sums were introduced.

Day 13: 4+2, 4+3, 4+4, 4+5, 4+6, 4+7, 4+8. Follow the manner in which plus one sums were introduced.

Day 14: 5+2, 5+3, 5+4, 5+5, 5+6, 5+7, 5+8. Follow the manner in which plus one sums were introduced.

Day 15: 8+3, 5+3, 4+5, 2+3, 3+1, 6+1, 4+2, 1+2, 1+1. Follow the manner in which plus one sums were introduced.

Day 16: 12+14, 7+31, 28+6, 14+17, 23+7, 24+3, 11+26, 9+4, 5+27, 21+4. Follow the manner in which plus one sums were introduced.

Day 17: 14+6, 7+8, 4+5, 11+8, 9+13, 12+6, 8+9, 17+22, 5+32, 18+23. Follow the manner in which plus one sums were introduced.

Day 18: 7+11, 13+12, 8+9, 21+18, 18+11, 5+26, 3+9, 7+31, 6+17, 17+23. Follow the manner in which plus one sums were introduced.

Day 19: 15+22, 3+17, 12+30, 11+11, 2+29, 24+17, 19+2, 8+26, 3+41, 7+16. Follow the manner in which plus one sums were introduced.


Tell your child: “From today, we begin subtraction.”

Day 20: 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9.

  • Say “ten minus one” and flash nine dots.
  • Say “ten minus two” and flash eight dots.
  • Say “ten minus three” and flash seven dots.
  • Say “ten minus four” and flash six dots.
  • Say “ten minus five” and flash five dots.
  • Say “ten minus six” and flash four dots.
  • Say “ten minus seven” and flash three dots.
  • Say “ten minus eight” and flash two dots.
  • Say “ten minus nine” and flash one dot.

Day 21: 20-1, 20-4, 20-5, 20-7, 20-11, 20-12, 20-14, 20-18, 20-19. Follow the manner in which the minus one equations were introduced.

Day 22: 30-1, 30-2, 30-3, 30-5, 30-7, 30-8, 30-11, 30-20, 30-22, 30-29. Follow the manner in which the minus one equations were introduced.

Day 23: 19-6, 20-5, 11-10, 31-9, 25-6, 45-13, 17-11, 12-8, 33-13, 22-6. Follow the manner in which the minus one equations were introduced.

Day 24: 39-27, 12-6, 21-4, 16-9, 41-12, 50-6, 32-18, 28-5, 48-14, 16-7. Follow the manner in which the minus one equations were introduced.


Tell your child: “From today, we begin multiplication.”

Day 25: 2×2, 2×3, 2×4, 2×5, 2×6, 2×7, 2×8, 2×9.

  • Say “two times two” and flash four dots.
  • Say “two times three” and flash six dots.
  • Say “two times four” and flash eight dots.
  • Say “two times five” and flash ten dots.
  • Say “two time six” and flash twelve dots.
  • Say “two times seven” and flash fourteen dots.
  • Say “two times eight” and flash sixteen dots.
  • Say “two times nine” and flash eighteen dots.

Day 26: 3×2, 3×3, 3×4, 3×5, 3×6, 3×7, 3×8. Follow the manner in which the times two equations were introduced.

Day 27: 4×4, 4×5, 4×6, 4×7, 4×8, 4×9. Follow the manner in which the times two equations were introduced.

Day 28: 5×5, 5×6, 5×7, 5×8, 5×9. Follow the manner in which the times two equations were introduced.

Day 29: 6×4, 6×5, 6×6, 6×7, 6×8. Follow the manner in which the times two equations were introduced.

Day 30: 7×1, 7×2, 7×3, 7×4, 7×5, 7×6. Follow the manner in which the times two equations were introduced.

Day 31: 8×1, 8×2, 8×3, 8×4, 8×5, 8×6. Follow the manner in which the times two equations were introduced.

Day 32: 9×1, 9×2, 9×3, 9×4, 9×5. Follow the manner in which the times two equations were introduced.

Day 33: 10×1, 10×2, 10×3, 10×4, 10×5. Follow the manner in which the times two equations were introduced.

Day 34: 3×2, 4×3, 3×7, 10×4, 3×16, 3×6, 15×3, 5×6, 13×3, 5×4. Follow the manner in which the times two equations were introduced.


Tell you child: “From today, we begin division.”

Day 35: 6÷2, 10÷2, 14÷2, 18÷2, 20÷2, 24÷2, 26÷2, 46÷2, 50÷2, 34÷2, 4÷2, 16÷2.

  • Say “six divided by two” and flash three dots.
  • Say “ten divided by two” and flash five dots.
  • Say “fourteen divided by two” and flash seven dots.
  • And so on…

Day 36: 6÷3, 9÷3, 12÷3, 15÷3, 18÷3, 27÷3, 30÷3, 33÷3, 36÷3, 39÷3, 42÷3, 45÷3. Follow the manner in which the divided by two equations were introduced.

Day 37: 8÷4, 12÷4, 16÷4, 20÷4, 24÷4, 28÷4, 32÷4, 36÷4, 40÷4, 44÷4, 48÷4. Follow the manner in which the divided by two equations were introduced.

Day 38: 10÷5, 15÷5, 20÷5, 30÷5, 35÷5, 40÷5, 45÷5, 50÷5. Follow the manner in which the divided by two equations were introduced.

Day 39: 12÷6, 18÷6, 24÷6, 30÷6, 36÷6, 42÷6, 48÷6. Follow the manner in which the divided by two equations were introduced.

Multitudinous Calculations

Day 40: 3+2-1, 23+12+1, 44-4+2, 31-31+16, 10-2+1, 7-2+10, 20-3+21, 15-5+15, 9+2-6, 7+3-2. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 41: 18+4-8, 32-2+10, 6+8-7, 26-20+9, 40-12+8, 14+39-8, 29-9+5, 46-4-12, 34+8-20. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 42: 36-18+7, 25+23-19, 15+3-10, 30-9+13, 52-49+16, 8+9-6, 27+18-8, 34-15+8, 5+9+8, 4+8+11. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 43: 1x2x3, 5x1x2, 2x5x5, 3x2x4, 3x3x5, 2x3x2, 4x2x5, 3x1x1, 1x2x2, 3x2x6. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 44: 2x2x3, 5x1x3, 3x3x3, 9x2x3, 17x2x1, 2x4x2, 2x8x3, 4x3x3, 11x2x2, 3x7x2. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 45: 6÷2÷3, 20÷5÷2, 80÷4÷4, 60÷2÷5, 64÷2÷8, 68÷2÷2, 54÷2÷3, 45÷3÷5, 90÷3÷2, 40÷2÷1. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 46: 48÷6÷2, 84÷2÷7, 32÷2÷2, 24÷4÷2, 64÷4÷8, 90÷6÷3, 50÷10÷5, 42÷1÷3, 72÷2÷3, 78÷2÷1. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 47: 2×2÷2, 3×2÷6, 4÷2×3, 6÷2×3, 5÷1×5, 5×2÷1, 7×3÷3, 1×4÷1, 6×1÷2. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 48: 6×2÷4, 9÷3×2, 50÷5×2, 2×10÷2, 9÷1×3, 6÷2×6, 7×5÷1, 4÷4×8, 3×5÷3, 8÷4×2. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 49: (2-1)x3, (4+5)x5, (3+1)x3, (5-1)x2, (14-3)x4, (4+3)x7, (1+3)x9, (26-20)x5, (7+3)x5, (40-37)x6. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 50: (6+10)÷2, (20-10)÷5, (42-2)÷4, (56-20)÷6, 2×3-3, 5×8+2, 16÷2-3, 18÷9+7, 14×3+4, 52÷26-1. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 51: (8_4)÷4, (9-3)x2, (50-5)÷5, (2+10)x3, (9-1)÷4, (62-8)÷9, 7×3+12, 18÷9-1, 32÷4+13, 81÷9-9. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 52: (18+3)x2, (11+21)÷8, (7-5)x6, (29-11)÷2, (5+15)÷10, (23+33)÷7, (43-36)x4, (11+8)x2, (40-24)x3, (16-7)x3. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 53: 45÷9×4, 8×5÷4, 9÷3×2, 8×4÷2, 50÷5×4, 3×10÷2, 14÷7×6, 4×8÷4, 8×3÷1, 7×7÷7. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.

Day 54: (75-50)x2-10, (18+4)÷11+5, (7+14)x3-17, (63-23)÷10+12, (52+12)÷2-30. Say each equation out aloud and flash the answer card.


Day 55: Introduce numbers 1 to 15. Show 1 dot equals “1″, 2 dots equals “2″, 3 dots equals “3″, 4 dots equals “4″, 5 dots equals “5″, etc.

Day 56: Introduce numbers 16 to 30.

Day 57: Introduce numbers 31 to 40.

Day 58: Introduce numbers 41 to 50.

Image Calculation

Day 59: Ask your child to image 1 to 10 in dots.

Day 60: Ask your child to convert the dots to numbers.

  • “There are going to be eight dots in your image – did they appear?”
  • “Now they are going to change into the number 8 – did they change?”

Day 61: Ask your child to image the numerical formula in dots.

Day 62: Play “Which one?” game with dot cards. For example, Show the child dot cards 44 and 45 and ask “which one is 44?” This provides your child training to convert 44 dots into the number 44.

Day 63: Play “Which one?” game with dot cards involving numerical formula. For instance, ask “which one is 58-23?” and show the cards 34 and 35 and have your child point to the card he thinks is the correct answer.

Day 64: Show your child numerical formulae and get him to convert the formulae into dots.

Day 65: Show the child numerical formulae and have him write down the answers.

Second Cycle

Day 1: Show red dot cards 51 to 60.

Day 2: Show red dot cards 56 to 65.

Day 3: Show red dot cards 61 to 70.

Day 4: Show red dot cards 66 to 75.

Day 5: Show red dot cards 71 to 80.

Day 6: Show red dot cards 76 to 85.

Day 7: Show red dot cards 81 to 90.

Day 8: Show red dot cards 86 to 95.

Day 9: Show red dot cards 91 to 100.

Repeat Days 10 to 54 from the First Cycle

Day 55: Introduce numbers 51 to 65. Show 51 dots equals “51″, 52 dots equals “52″, 53 dots equals “53″, 54 dots equals “54″, 55 dots equals “55″, etc.

Day 56: Introduce numbers 66 to 80.

Day 57: Introduce numbers 81 to 90.

Day 58: Introduce numbers 91 to 100.

Repeat Days 59 to 65 from the First Cycle

Cycle 3 - repeat first cycle.

Cycle 4 - repeat second cycle.

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