Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Abbott Isomil - Second casting session..

Yup, Aidan got a second casting call from Uncle Gary.. He was 1 of the 10 boys that were shortlisted for the project.. :) Well, the advertisement is actually for kids 3-5 years of age, and Aidan was the youngest of all during the casing call.. :) When we arrived, i saw some of the kids, rehearsing and stuff, and yes, i got to admit that they were good, like very very good! Hahahaha..

We got to meet Adrien, who i think already had experience in the tv ad, and he came with his supportive grandparents.. Oh so sweet! :)) We got to chit chat, and right after Adrien, it was Aidan's turn.. Yes, we did some practice on what to do and stuff, and how funny it was, when Cheche asked Aidan to do this facial expressions -'delicious'-  with a thumb up, Aidan took his own sweet time to do that.. Hahaha.. yes, still kekok and stuff (kadang2 peace sign pun, 3 jari yang Aidan angkat, kekeke)..

Oooh Aidan, such a big boy now.. :)) Alhamdulillah.. :))

 Material for him to rehearse.. On Delicious! Boring! Playful! and etc. :))

 He was watching the tv to see some of the talents that went there earlier..

I guess that look is more to 'Angry' look.. Aidan's angry look is very funny.. He added kat belakang2 tuh "tak nak tawan".. kekeke..

Measuring himself.. :)

Good experience Cik Dan!! :))

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