How cute!!! :))
Rehearsal time! :)
Hessa already up for the challenge! :P
Our first Puppets Show!! My fellow audience.. My kids and friends.. :P Hehe..
Puppets Showtime!! :)
What can mummy do with the kids old socks???? Hmmmm.. :)) Washed ones ofcoz! :P
Hi all!!
We are back!! After days of not updating my blog.. :))
So yes, what can we do with the kids old socks (especially those with cute decor- figurine- 3D toys on top)?? Like these??? :))
YES!! Puppets Show!! At least, that's what we did!!! :))
It all started when Aidan watched Gaspard and Lisa, and they were having Puppets Show! He was smiling alone ala2 teringin, and i have been meaning to come up with one (if you follow my blog, as i decided to proceed with his class for P- Puppets) but due to many reasons, and that his class also will only be continued this weekend , (we gonna continue with K and L), and P is gonna take like few more weeks i guess, i decided to proceed anyway.. :)) But, for this one, i decided not to make new puppets, (that idea will only be applied later during P's class :P), so i made use of what we already have at home! THE KIDS old babies socks! Hehehe.. :))
They loved it!! Oh my, we really had a blast.. Both of my kiddos never fail to really participate in my activities for them.. And this time, not only they able to watch me perform, they also got the chance to perform their own story.. Aidan was very funny!! Yes, when i asked him to peform, he was sooo excited.. I shall upload the video later, and you should listen to his dialog.. he went "Nak pegi kedai tak?? Nak beli mainan tak?? Boleh.. boleh.. boleh.." Hahahaha.. Sooooo funny! And Hessa being all adorable.. When i asked her to perform, and when she was still in the tent, i counted until 3.. I went, "1...2...3.. start" and my baby girl went "Peace!!" Just like what we practiced if i wanted to take their pics.. Hahaha.. Funny baby girl!! Yes, she was still in the tent.. Hahaha..
Yes, we had soooo much fun!! Soooo much fun!! :))) Loving it!
Look at these happy faces!! Priceless.. :))
Aidan insisted for adik to clap her hands for mummy.. Awwwww, thank you anak mummy.. I shall perform now.. :) Cerita mummy, cerita "A visit to the Zoo!" :))
Aidan's time to perform.. Kelakar.. You have to hide your face la baby mummy.. :P
He went for few rounds, cerita macam2.. Angry Birds la, apa la.. Good activities as it allows my son to use his imagination in creating 1 complete story, impromptu ideas, speaking or conversing, be brave to be the center of attention, logical thinking, be creative, be bold, and be CUTE!! :)) Sayang!!
Thank you.. thank you.. Hehehe.. :))
Adik's turn.. Merah muka asyik garu.. Eczema! Arrgggg!
Taking her own sweet time sebab tengah tgk Captain OSO! :))
Hehehehe.. Tak jadi masuk lagi sebab kelakar la plak cerita tuh.. Hehehe..
Ok2, don't forget to come back and have a look at the video ya.. Later mummy upload.. Hehehe.. :))