K- Pop style.. :P Yo!
New maid for Opah and new nanny for kiddos.. :)
Yup, new nanny for my kids.. Her name is Kak Ani.. :)
Last Saturday, we went back to Shah Alam for our family meeting, and my sister, Ummi grabbed the chance to make some Bubur Asyura (kenduri from her) with the help of other siblings.. Alhamdulillah, sedap sangat.. :)
One of the agendas on that day was on my mom's helper cum nanny for my kids.. Well the fact that before this, Gee was the one who took care of my kiddos, together with Haikal and Nurin.. Gee is Kak Liha's helper, and we are so lucky to have her, as she treated the kids lovingly, and we too treated her as part of our family.. She has been with us for over 8-9 years now.. But, we still need to find my mom, her own helper.. My mom is not that fit anymore, but still nak masak sendiri and what not.. It is good for her to have a helper, and everyday pun ada adik beradik yang datang rumah, teman my mom.. Alhamdulillah.. :) So, the helper actually buat keje simpan2 and jaga my kids.. Keje dengan my mom best, bila petang jer, boleh sama2 layan 'Nada Cinta' kekeke.. :P
Well, I received a call from my mom that very morning, and she sounded excited.. 'Kak Zahrah dah sampai, dia bawa maid baru kat mak!'.. Oh my.. She sounded so happy.. Yes, Gee has been sleeping at my mom's for few nights, since my mom tak berapa sihat weeks ago, and helped her a lot.. Her helper before this, Kak Dian, went back, since she came to Malaysia to find her mom, actually.. My sisters helped to track down her mother, and God's will, we got to find her, and the embassy sent her back home to Indonesia safely.. Kesian sangat2.. :( Be careful of the agency you are hiring to get a maid.. Kesian sangat.. She stayed with us for few months, and later, decided to go back.. My mom was a little bit sad since she has created this strong bond with her, but we understood enough that she came here for a reason, and we are so happy that her mom is safely home.. :) Alhamdulillah..
So, this new nanny, Kak Ani will be taking care of my kids! Please bear with them yer Kak Ani.. Hehehe.. Gee will be there as well during day time, and at night, they will be with me.. Yes, Gee has to be there, haha, since my kids are not used to Kak Ani, and they will for sure.. It's just a matter of time.. :)) Now, mummy is happy, and Opah is happy too.. Lega! :))
Aidan insisted for us to snap their pics.. Click!!!! :)