Oh, i was not wearing my turban ofcoz, but i was wearing my Lady Gaga headband.. The 'Lady Gaga' side of me.. Hehehe.. :P
Echenta turban is here! :))
Yes, i have received my turban.. dah lama.. Hehehe.. Yes, baru nak update sebab seriously, tak betul2 cuba lagi.. Okay, nampak E pakai senang jer kat video tuh.. Hehehe..
E, if you are reading this, Kak Sara nak minta tolong datang umah, ajar pakaikan boleh?? Tihihi.. Or kat rumah Kak Evie ker, boleh tengok baby Arif sama?? :P She was touched by my entry for her last time.. Awwwww.. :P
Thanks again dear for the parcel.. Kak Sara dapat like weeks ago.. To whoever yang nak order, please do so now, sebab it takes weeks or a month juga untuk dapat the turban.. It is custom made.. So, understandable.. :))