Lee Kwang Soo, Angry Bird, and Boy Cut..
Yes, last week's story.. We brought Aidan to see the barber, and asked her to cut his hair.. Ok lah, kasi nipis sikit, trim sikit.. :P Since we had to queue masa tuh, we decided to jalan2 kat kedai 'Hadiahku' Seksyen 7, and tiba2 Aidan ternampak this one Angry Bird toy, and he was begging for us, to buy him one.. But, we decided not to, and ignored him.. Huhuhu.. Kesian.. But, to make sure that he would cooperate well later masa potong rambut, we told him that we might come back to the shop later, but only if he behave well.. So, the agreement was made with mutual understanding from both sides.. Hahaha.. :P (actually, deep inside, i said to myself, if he behaved well, mmg nak bawa balik pegi kedai tuh, sebab tak nak Aidan rasa tertipu, but perhaps we got him something else lah kan.. ;P)
So, at first he was smiling and cooperate really2 well, but ofcoz nak potong rambut takes time, bukan seminit dua.. Hehehe.. Last2 Aidan start la nak pusing sana, tengok sini, angguk2, and the best part, masa keluar lagu Alicia Keys, siap nyanyi2, and the girl pun gelak2kan Aidan sebab cheeky sangat2.. But, ofcoz, susah nak potong rambut dia.. I asked that girl trim depan, and when she did that, and Aidan pun asyik nak pandang sana sini, sebelah pendek, sebelah panjang lagi, and when she wanted to alter yang sebelah sini plak, jadi pendek sangat and what not.. Hahaha.. I was worried sick, sebab tak nak la ended up nampak macam 'Pekan'.. kekeke.. But i told myself, susah2 sangat, shave jer, atau boy cut.. Selamat! :P
We kept on telling him to stay put, and no Angry Birds for him kalau tak nak cooperate.. he went "ok lah, ok lah" and 1 minute later, pandang sana sini balik.. Mak aiii! So, i promised myself that i will not tolerate on this behavior.. So, i told the girl, to trim sikit2 jer sudah.. Bila nak balik, Aidan kept on asking 'Jom la beli Angry Birds, mummy, jom la..'.. Hmmmm, sorry lah kan.. Memang tak dapat.. Huhuhu.. I wanted to teach him to be a little bit considerate.. Memang 3 tahun still small and i can't control his behavior at all time, tapi yang mana boleh, depan mata jer, memang lah kan.. So i said 'No, end of story, jom balik, Aidan tak duduk diam masa potong rambut.. Tak sayang mummy'.. We got in the car, and this fella merajuk, menangis sorang2 kat seat belakang, sampai tertido.. :P
The next day, daddy sarcastically said that Aidan looked just like Kwang Soo, hahaha, our joker in Running Man, and obviously, we don't want Kwang Soo!.. :P I tried to comb his hair properly, but somehow, depan pendek, tepi panjang, belakang pendek balik, seemed so kelakar.. So i said to daddy, tahan jap seminggu nih, later kita pegi potong boy cut terus.. So, today we shall bring him to cut his hair again.. Boy cut it is.. :))
The funny part, masa on the way pegi keje pagi tadi, i told him that petang nanti nak pergi barber, and nak cut his hair.. he went..
Aidan: Ok mummy, potong rambut, yerrr, boleh Aidan beli Angry Birds? AIDAN bdjgwertbfjuri#!! (as i did not pay attention to what he just said that much (focus driving :P la katakan) so tak dengar)
Daddy: You dengar tak Aidan kata apa?
Mummy: What?? I dengar dia sebut something like 'Train'.. (yes, i heard he said like train or something after that :P)
Daddy: No lah.. Cuba tanya balik..
Mummy: Aidan, what did you say just now?? Beli Angry Bird, pastu?
He went:
Aidan: Mummy beli la Angry Bird kat Aidan.. Aidan DUDUK DIAM2!!
Hahahahaha!!! :P